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Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound

Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound 

Designed for veterinarians, the Chison SonoEye scanner bringsexcellent imaging with dedicated animal presets to your iOS or Android device for confident diagnosis.

Bedside ultrasound has become an important part of the puzzle when it comes to managing furry patients. Benefits include "point-of-care, cageside, low impact, fast, safe, radiation saving, no shaving and/or minimal patient restraint tool.

Optimise comfort with live imaging to scare furry patients. ultra-portable and affordable, Chison delivers the high quality imaging and performance of conventional systems without the need for complicated knobs and buttons. The app is as easy to use as your smartphone. Improve animal care with clear anatomical and pathological visualisation for more accurate diagnosis at the patient's first visit.

Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound

Perform abdominal FAST examinations to identify free fluids

Perform measurements to characterise mass, sludge and free fluid

Scan adrenal glands for hyperplasia, nodules and masses

Scan the lung and pleural cavity for pathology of cardiac origin

Assess the heart to determine the need for furosemide

Perform equine examination of superficial finger flexor tendons

Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound

Kidney and bladder

Chison SonoEye provides clear, fast imaging of the kidneys and bladder. For rapid examination of patients presenting with haematuria and suspected single tract disease, use Chison ultrasound to clearly identify or rule out obstructive kidney stones or bladder masses. Bedside ultrasound has been shown to speed up the diagnosis of specific causes of azotemia, including chronic kidney disease.

Rapid abdominal examination

Abdominal FAST exams provide real-time information about free fluid in the abdomen, pericardium and pleural cavity that is often missed or suspected only by physical examination, basic blood and urine tests, or even radiography. 

Ruptured spleen

The spleen in small animals is an elongated, flat organ, triangular in dogs and oval in cats, located near the left side of the stomach. When looking for suspected spleen rupture, the Chison SonoEye is used to image the spleen and surrounding structures at high resolution. 

Chison has a wide range of high-end digital portable ultrasound instruments to meet the specific needs of your veterinary practice. Choose from black/white, colour or handheld wireless, then contact us for more information and a quote from our specialist veterinary equipment sales team.

Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound

Electronic transducer provides dynamic focus to create clearer, sharper and less noisy images

Electronic transducer provides dynamic focus to create clearer, sharper and less noisy images

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Mechanical sector probes result in higher image noise and less sharp images

Mechanical sector probes result in higher image noise and less sharp images

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Our ultrasound probes are durable enough for clinical operation in a farm environment.

Our ultrasound probes are durable enough for clinical operation in a farm environment.

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Conventional colour Doppler ultrasound systems use single beamformer technology, thereby using a single beamformer to process a set of echo signals for imaging.

Conventional colour Doppler ultrasound systems use single beamformer technology, thereby using a single beamformer to process a set of echo signals for imaging.

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Contact Info
  • Tel: +86 510-85270304
  • Fax: +86 510 8531 0726
  • E-mail: global.sales@chison.com
  • Add: No.3, Changjiang South Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China 214028.

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Products: Vascular Ultrasound Machine MSK Ultrasound Machine Portable Ultrasound Device Portable Ultrasound Machine for Sale Portable Ultrasound Machine For Pregnancy Handheld Ultrasound For Pregnancy Handheld Veterinary Ultrasound Veterinary Ultrasound Machine Portable Vascular Ultrasound Livestock Ultrasound Machine


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